Sports Mesh (MUGA)

MUGA- Multi Use Games Area

Designed to be strong, difficult to cut through and to absorb the impact of balls and return them to play. Optional extras include a rebound panel which is ideal for tennis courts. Heights up to 6m available.

Durability is a key requirement of any sporting perimeter and features as standard across our double wire panel MUGA fencing system. Making it the perfect choice when you’re looking for strong-yet-practical fencing of up to 6060mm high for your school, football ground or MUGA (multi-purpose game area).

Each steel panel features twin 8mm wires welded either side of 6mm vertical wires, making them extremely difficult to cut through or damage. The twin wires are highly rigid too, adding to the strength of the fence even when under stress from people, balls or sports equipment making it the perfect MUGA Fencing System.

Available in a wide range of RAL colour which can match up with your organisation, club or team colours. All of this comes with the peace of mind that our sports mesh conforms to the British Safety Standards for open mesh steel panel fences.

Lower Rebound Panel also available for this system. The rebound panel has a smaller aperture of 50 x 66.5mm. These mesh panels that will absorb the shock of even smaller balls and return them to play without interruption.

This means you can say goodbye to traditional plywood, timber or mesh rebound boards around your school, sports grounds or MUGA (multi-purpose game area), and instead opt for a fencing system that’s hard to cut through, practical and designed for tennis court fencing projects.

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630, 830, 1030, 1230, 1430, 1630, 1830, 2030, 2230, 2430, 2660, 2860, 3060, 3460, 3660, 3860, 4060, 4460, 4860, 5460, 5660, 6060mm (Fence heights above 2430mm are made up of 2 or more panels)

Panel Width: 2506mm, Post Centres 2520mm

Mesh Size: 200 x 50mm

Wire Diameter: 6mm (verticals) and 2 x 8mm (horizontals) (also available in 5mm verticals and 2 x 6mm horizontals)

60 x 40mm RHS to 120 x 60mm RHS dependant on height

Corner Posts 60 x 40mm RHS to 120 x 60mm RHS dependant on height

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